All Projects (2021)

Tailwind is a website aggregating information about Music Festivals and Concerts in Portugal. Frontend is built using Nuxt and Tailwind, with Strapi making up the backend and CMS. is a website for all portuguese festival-goers and music fans in general. It contains information about most major festivals and concerts happening in the country, working as a major central place to find details and announcements.

The website was developed using NuxtJS and Tailwind. Online, it works as a static website thanks to the static-site generator Nuxt provides. The static content, such as images, is hosted on Cloudinary. This stack allows for a very-fast website, even on image-heavy pages. I paid special attention to SEO factors on this website, resulting in an almost-perfect score on Google's own measurement tools. The backend and CMS were done with Strapi. It was my first time using it and I am very satisfied with the result. I wandered off the "script" on some features such as the newsletter subscription.